PhD course in Translational Specialistic Medicine 'G.B. Morgagni'

Endocrine and Metabolic Sciences

Clinical research in the endocrinological field: insulin resistance, gut hormones, the gut-vascular barrier; effects of hormones on intermediate metabolism; the links between aging/senescence and hormonal control of metabolism; The pathogenesis of the chronic complications of diabetes: the role of hyperglycemia, of the diacil glycerol pathway and protein kinase C, of oxidative stress; Physiopathology of endothelial dysfunction in diabetes, endothelial dysfunction in conduction arteries, in coronary microcirculation, circulating progenitor cells in relation to diabetic micro and macro-angiopathy; Diabetic cardiomyopathy: the effects of postprandial metabolism on coronary circulation physiopathology; The epidemiology and genetics of diabetes and of its chronic complications: the study of polymorphysms and cell alterations making the patient sensitive to renal damage; The effects of kidney-pancreas transplant and isolated pancreas cells on intermediate metabolism and on diabetic complications; Proteomic techniques in the analysis of gene expression: separation of median proteins. Biodimensional electrophoresis for the study of cell protein patterns and of the diverse protein isoforms in cultured fibroblasts obtained from normal and diabetic subjects. The study of in vivo and in vitro glycooxidation mechanisms using mass spectrometry; Circulating cells in diabetic complications: the study of endothelial progenitors, monocyte polarization, neutrophil phenotype and kinetics, the bone marrow status in diabetes.
Coordinator of the Curriculum:  Prof. Gian Paolo Fadini